Shanghai Jiaotong University

Shanghai Jiaotong University

The history of the Law School of SJTU can be traced back to the establishment of the Law Teaching and Research Department in 1986. In 1996, the Law Department was established, and was granted the right to confer master’s degrees in law in 1998. The Law School was established on June 8, 2002. International Programs at KoGuan School of Law were launched at the end of 2009 and have boosted the internationalization of SJTU’s legal education.

In order to further improve teaching quality and promote academic research, KoGuan School of Law has built advanced academic platforms in line with national development plans, and has established a number of problem-oriented interdisciplinary research institutions to carry out teamwork and strengthen international academic cooperation in frontier fields such as risks to society and the rule of law, national maritime strategies, financial laws, the investment and trade competition order, medical laws, and intellectual property protection in cyberspace.

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