Opening Ceremony of the ALSA Legal Education Conference 2024
The Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia (UM) jointly collaborated with Asian Law Schools Association (ALSA) and the Malaysian Law Deans Council to organise the Legal Education Conference from 11th to 12th October 2024. The conference was held at the Universiti Malaya campus, with around 30 papers presented across 10 panels. Themed ‘Emerging Challenges and Opportunities for Legal Education and Training,’ the conference sought to foster a dynamic exchange of ideas on the evolving landscape of legal education and training. It further hoped to provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussions and an opportunity for participants to share their research, experiences, and ideas on emerging challenges and opportunities for legal education and training.
Professor Jason Chuah, Dean, Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya opened the conference by warmly welcoming the delegates to Universiti Malaya and sharing his thoughts on legal education, and how he looked forward to attending the presentations on various issues and challenges faced by different jurisdictions.
Professor Jason Chuah, UM Law Dean presenting a token of appreciation to the keynote speaker, The Right Honourable Dato’ Mary Lim Thiam Suan, Former Federal Court Judge
Professor Tan Cheng Han, President, ALSA expressed his appreciation to UM Law Dean Jason Chuah and his team for hosting the conference and their warm hospitality. Professor Tan also outlined the vision behind ALSA, which is to provide a platform for legal scholars in Asia to collaborate with each other as well as with scholars beyond Asia.
Professor Tan Cheng Han, President, ALSA
The second day of the conference commenced with a wide-ranging panel session on ‘Legal Education – Should We Break with Tradition?’ Chaired by Dean Jason Chuah, the panellists were:
Professor Lin Feng, Law Dean, City University of Hong Kong,
Professor Sudhir Krishnaswamy, Vice Chancellor, National Law School of India University, Bangalore,
Professor Tan Cheng Han, President, ALSA, NUS Law, and
Ms Julienne Jen, Interim Head, Department of Professional Legal Education, University of Hong Kong.
At the closing ceremony, Associate Professor Tan Zhong Xing, Secretary-General, ALSA and Mr. A Magesan, Universiti Malaya, Director of the ALSA Legal Education Conference 2024 expressed their appreciation to the team for their support in the organization of the conference.
Mr. A Magesan, Universiti Malaya, Director of the ALSA Legal Education Conference 2024
Associate Professor Tan highlighted a number of key takeaways from the conference, including the importance of reflective teaching, convergence and divergence across jurisdictions in teaching practices, the use of artificial intelligence and cutting-edge technology to empower future lawyers, and the importance of re-integrating legal ethics seamlessly into the law school curriculum.
Associate Professor Tan Zhong Xing, Secretary-General, ALSA
[CALL FOR PAPERS- CLOSED] ALSA is pleased to announce that in collaboration with the Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia (UM) and the Malaysian Law Deans Council, an international Conference themed ‘Emerging Challenges and Opportunities for Legal Education and Training,’ will be held from 11th to 12th October 2024 at the Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya.
The conference seeks to foster a dynamic exchange of ideas on the evolving landscape of legal education and training. It further aims to provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussions and an opportunity for participants to share their research, experiences, and ideas on emerging challenges and opportunities for legal education and training.